Category: Goals & Achievements

  • April is Here. Wait, What?

    April is Here. Wait, What?

    It’s been almost three months since my last blog post. In that time, I haven’t got a huge amount of writing done, certainly not as much as I hoped I would. But that’s okay. I’ve been tired and getting no further forwards as to why I’m so tired, but it has started to ease since…

  • A New Year: Onwards!

    A New Year: Onwards!

    It’s a new year and I think I’m rested enough after the holidays to get back to some writing. There’s something that I forgot about when I decided to finish off things that I’d started writing. I need to spend a little bit of time starting on new parts as well. Sometimes that first line…

  • Progress report, December

    Progress report, December

    I’m very nearly done with Part 4 of No Way Home. Actually, I’m up to 1600 words or so and I might have to begin Part 5 with the one little thing that I haven’t written into Part 4 yet. It’s not a big deal, in fact the start of a new part is a…

  • Choices, so many choices

    Choices, so many choices

    So tonight or tomorrow I’ll be finishing up the part that I was working on last week – The Rescue of Princess Irena, Part 4.  And afterwards it’s a trip down memory lane as I outline the existing parts and then try to come up with a rough idea of the next few parts. I…

  • End of November update

    End of November update

    I’m doing better.  A couple of nights ago I worked on the fifth part of The Maw of Despair (that’s Part 4 of The Rescue).  Damn near finished it in one sitting. Still haven’t finished the challenge I set for myself.  Who knew that it would be so difficult to find a place to use…

  • November update

    So I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog lately. I’ve started a higher dose of anti-depressants and I feel better, but I have been asleep quite a bit. Hopefully this just means that I’m adjusting, and I’ll be more energetic in a few weeks. I anticipate being able to do more frequent blog updates…

  • Progress update and a request

    Progress update and a request

    Today I’ve finally got around to doing some writing.  You know what?  The whole challenge thing was a good idea.  I mean, admittedly, I’ve only done 346 words today, but I feel relaxed about it and the words are actually coming. More to the point, I’ve already used two out of the three words that…

  • Post-mortem for September 2014

    Post-mortem for September 2014

    Well, again, I didn’t hit my target of 2900 words. If I’m being honest, having that goal to beat isn’t really helping much.  What actually helped more than anything last month was having three words to set me off in a particular direction and write a particular piece that I wanted to do. So that’s…

  • Making time to write

    This is basically the difference between having a successful time and word count in a given month, or not. When I think about it, it’s not exactly that I don’t open myself to the idea of doing some writing, it’s just that I don’t shut myself off from the things which suck time out of…