Category: A-Z Challenge

  • Beta readers

    Beta readers

    I touched on this in my unscheduled post last night about the beta programme, but in my opinion, beta readers give a writer the chance to test out new content before it reaches market.  If the content isn’t good enough or isn’t quite right, it can be brought up to standard. I’ve had a couple…

  • Aliens (why not, after all)

    Aliens (why not, after all)

    The idea that sentient extraterrestrials might be out there, perhaps even studying us, has created a fertile ground to produce all sorts of stories, radio and TV shows and of course films. As I’ll mention in a later post, one of my writing inspirations is the Stargate series and its spinoffs.  I think you would…

  • The A to Z Challenge begins soon…

    The 1st of April approaches. So I’ve prepared a list of fairly interesting subjects that should help me stick with the challenge.  Bear in mind I may have better ideas as I go through it. Yes, I will schedule posts, but not too far in advance, after all what’s the fun in that? 🙂 Looking…